News stats:
media is in decline , the extent of that change is reflected in the growth of
on-line versions as indicated below
Difference between Tabloids and Broadsheets
Tabloid newspapers use
gimmicks such as bingo games, free travel tickets etc. whereas broadsheet
newspapers may include free
Broadsheets often include magazines or
pull-outs but they are usually of an educational nature.
Owen Jones described the UK press as :
run by a very small group of very right-wing media moguls who defend the status
quo of which they are part. If you are on the Left and want to change society,
the media will always come and get you”.
can research Gramsci’s hegemoney to
gain further insights on why the press
is dominated by the right wing.
Curran and Seaton:
•Curran and Seaton. - The idea that the media is controlled
by a small number of companies
primarily driven by the logic of profit
and power. ...
- The idea that more socially diverse patterns of
ownership help to create the
conditions for more varied and adventurous media production
•Capitalism (Right Wing Politics)
Capitalism is an economic system based on
the private ownership of the means of production and
their operation for
profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital
accumulation, wage labor, Capitalism
is an economic system based on the private ownership of the
means of production
and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include
private property, capital accumulation, wage labour.
the Telegraph and Mail Newspapers
believe in Capitalism.
•Socialism (Left Wing Politics)
Socialism is a range of economic and
social systems characterised by social ownership of the means
of production and
workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements
associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative
ownership, or citizen
ownership of equity.
- - THE LABOUR PARTY ARE SOCIALIST and are considering bringing
into state ownership the Rail service.
Liberalism is a political and economic doctrine that emphasises individual autonomy, equality of
opportunity, and the protection of
individual rights (primarily to life, liberty, and property)
- Guardian newspaper supports many labour
policies and has a liberal view on e.g individual
autonomy i.e. they support
multi-cultural-ism, they advocate freedom of expression e.g. gender and
Media language theories:
Barthes: enigma code, connotation and denotation associated with a sign, open and closednarrative…
Todorov: theory of narrative disruption.
The Telegraph Headline and Splash (UK Internet Laws will be the toughest in the world) the
contents of the article discusses the harmful affects of the internet on children : discuss using
Todorov’s theory how the story links to disequilibrium and an attempt to restore equilibrium.
Levi Strauss: Binary oppositions
Neale: Genre theory: (page 16 revision notes) covered previously and relates to a
shared code linked to a genre (e.g. genre conventions of Broadsheet and Tabloid
Newspapers) However Neale insisted that the genre conventions are constantly
changing therefore the Guardian’s transformation to Tabloid format with more
human interest stories (page 9 revision notes) is a clear example of hybridisation) - the daily mail is a
hybrid as it does serious content and funny content.
Media Contexts
Consumerism. The ideology that we should judge ourselves
and others
based on our material possessions.
The colourful nature of newspapers,
the presence of advertisements (DFS
in the Telegraph) points towards a
consumerist society
Celebrity Culture. high-volume
perpetuation of celebrities' personal lives
on a global scale.
Assumes the equality of different cultures and pays
equal respect to diverse
cultures. The absence of content linked
to multi
culturalism in both the Telegraph and the Mirror tends to suggest an
ethno-centrist ideology
Feminism. Assumes the equality of women. As a movement there is an
ongoing struggle
to fight against patriarchal views. The
Telegraph headline
"Hey Presto women magician’s teaching men a trick or two”
could be
interpreted as patronising as there is no reason why women should not
as skilled in magic as men.
> individualism, putting James interest first, Telegraph doesn't show how hes always been putting his career first.
>patriarchy, James leaves his role as a father at home and leaves the patriarchy in the home to turner who has to play the role of the expressive mother.
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