Constructive Media-The process by which a media text is shaped and given meaning through a process that is subject to a variety of decisions and is designed to keep the audience interested in the text.To say that all media messages are constructed, means that all media messages
have been assembled by someone.
- Media are not windows on reality or mirrors of society. They are carefully constructed products. They tell us what people want us to believe.
- A media literate person is aware that many decisions go into every media product, and that even the most realistic images represent someone's interpretation of reality.
- In photographs, the photographer's own vision of what she wants to show within the frame demonstrates her own values and beliefs.
- A newspaper writer’s articles may be based on his own beliefs, or based on the beliefs and ideologies of his publishers.
Anchorage is when a piece of media uses
another piece of media to reduce the amount of connotations in
the first, therefore allowing the audience to interpret it much more easily.
Stereotype- a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Caricature-a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Stereotype- a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Caricature-a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Trump Vs Obama- Their speeches on Mexico.

In the video Trump portrayed Mexicans as criminals, who are destroying America by using it as a 'dumping ground'. He said that Mexico was sending people with "lots of problems" who create 'crime, bring drugs and are rapists'
In the video, Obama is saying that he doesn't believe the "old stereotypes" that it is easy for our attitudes to "get stuck on". He believes there is a lot of understanding - and with the new Mexico emerging- hr believes its time to put "old mindsets aside".
Serena Williams.
In the news video, we are shown peoples views on the 'double standards' in tennis. Serena Williams was given a penalty for screaming at the umpire during a game after he had accused her of cheating. Serena said it was double standards, racists and sexist of the umpire to not only accuse her of cheating but for her being given a penalty when men tennis players, like Andy Murray, have been seen having confrontations with umpires and yet are only given a warning and not a penalty. Not only was Serena given a penalty, which lost her a game, she also got a fine of $17,000 dollars- 10, 000 for verbal accuse, 3,000 for breaking her racket, 4,000 for the coaching violation,
The cartoon.
Many people believe that Mark Knights cartoon of Serena Williams is disrespectful and sexist, with many people saying it will be viewed no differently than Jim Crow cartoons.
The Jim Crow cartoon was used to discriminate against black African-Americans in the mid 1960's. Knight said he doesn't know of the cartoons. I believe that the cartoon he made was offensive and did discriminate against Serena. However, i don't believe his cartoon had anything to do with the jim Crow cartoons and shouldn't be compared to it.
Links Advert.
The advert is presents gender in a bad way, because not only does it present women as stay at home women but it uses women as a sexual object to lure men into buying the product. The advert presents an ideal image of what women should look like, by airbrushing her legs etc and conveying a message that you are only attractive to men if you look this way. The advert is also sexist to men, portraying them as sex orientated humans.
The Only Way Is Essex.
The Only way is Essex is a structured reality show. Structured reality or scripted reality is the reality television format of putting people into scripted situations without scripted dialogue. The show creates a stereotype view on the way essex people behave and act. For example, the way they speak, as they all spoke improperly and in 'slang'. They also used different shots to deceive the audience by having different shots to make it look like the people were further away from each other than they were. Another way, stereotypes is used is by showing them having petty arguments, as if they were typical young people. The show starts with music to draw people in. and build tension for the argument about to commence.
The stereotypes of an essex person is fake tan, a lot of makeup, dumb, horrible accent and sex-drived.
- Since all media messages are constructed using the creator’s own ideologies and values, media messages from different creators will have different ideas imbedded in them.
- The reason this is important is because not all media messages will have messages you agree with, since your experiences and ideologies will be different from those of the message’s creators. While you may experience a certain media message in one way, there are others who will most certainly experience it in a completely different way.
Constructive Media- Prints.

Both newspapers represent Theresa May in a sexualised way.
In the Daily Mail headline they use a comical pun “ Never mind Brexit, who won
Legs-it!” This creates attention to her legs rather than why the picture was
taken. The newspaper does this to lure in readers and make politics seem more
interesting. The picture itself isn’t sexist yet the text objectifies women of
power focusing just on their body. The Sun newspaper creates a stereotypical
view on women, by conveying her shoes are more important than her political
By focusing on her shoes and the headline stating “HEEL, BOYS”
in a capitalised typography in contradicts the subheading of how she’s got the
power to lead Britain into a new direction. In Conclusion both newspapers have
degraded Theresa May as a woman of power and have used constructed media to
give the audience a certain opinion.
In the magazine GQ, Jeremy is represented as a
well-rounded powerful man. It presents him in a positive way, the way the
picture is placed makes him seem big and powerful as it looks like he’s looking
down on the reader. The subheading ‘hostile takeover’ matches the colour of
Jeremy’s tie, which is red, which is the colour of the labour party, which he
took over. However, in the Sun newspaper the heading is play-on words and a
pun. Its showing how they think that if Corbyn lead Britain it would all go
downhill and Britain would turn to trash. By the paper editing him into a bin
it matches the headline and will make it appealing to the audience and reader
to read. This could suggest that the newspaper is more interested in twisting
the facts to gain more readers than actually showing some of the positives
Corbyn has done since taking over the new party. In conclusion the magazine on
the left shows Corbyn more as a powerful politician who has just taken over a
party, whereas The Sun turns his takeover into a joke to gain a larger
Constructive Media- Advertisement.
- When hungry,reach for the cigarette.
- if you smoke you will stay skinny
- smokings good for you to "avoid that future shadow"
- cigarettes may help you stay skinny but they cause illnesses like cancer
- Cigarettes are bad for you in every way.
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